Roundtable Discussions

Expo 2023 – Episode 39 – Roundtable Discussion: Surface Finish

Capping off our cylinder honing & finishing series, our expert panel discusses the secrets to getting the right surface finish and boosting engine performance

2023-05-25T10:34:51-07:00May 26, 2023|2023, Mini Series, Roundtable Discussions|0 Comments

Expo 2023 – Episode 28 – Roundtable: The Future of the Internal Combustion Engine

Lake and Joe host an expert roundtable on the future of the internal combustion engine and why an all-electric future is by no means a foregone conclusion

2023-04-19T09:07:41-07:00April 21, 2023|2023, Mini Series, Roundtable Discussions|0 Comments

Expo 2023 – Episode 24 – Roundtable: Machining Best Practices

We sit down with a panel of performance engine builders to talk about the advances in engine machining & CNCs, and share what they've learned as best practices

2023-04-06T09:30:52-07:00April 7, 2023|2023, Mini Series, Roundtable Discussions|0 Comments

Expo 2023 – Episode 22 – Roundtable: Engine Builder Hall of Fame

The world's leading engine builders discuss the creation of the Engine Builder Hall of Fame to honor the pioneers of the engine building industry

2023-03-30T10:55:53-07:00March 31, 2023|2023, Mini Series, Roundtable Discussions|1 Comment
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