Episode 15 – Engine Builder Interview : Scooter Brothers
Lake and Joe sit down with SEMA Hall of Famer Scooter Brothers to talk about his incredible impact on the racing industry both on the tack and in business.
Lake and Joe sit down with SEMA Hall of Famer Scooter Brothers to talk about his incredible impact on the racing industry both on the tack and in business.
In pursuit of 1,000 HP for his engine, Lake Speed Jr heads down to Georgia to learn from CWT Industries' Randy Neal the whys and hows of perfect balancing.
Ed & Lake head into the shop for a Tech 101 on Bore Geometry and the tools, techniques, and considerations you'll need to hone a cylinder for perfect ring seal.
In day 1's last segment Joe and Lake sit down for a roundtable on careers in the industry with Scooter Brothers, John Callies, Warren Johnson, and Jon Kaase.
In this episode Lake and Joe sit down with the Professor of Pro Stock, Warren Johnson to talk about his career in racing and his new best-selling biography.
In this episode, we look at careers in engine building, heading down to Houston to learn why "if you can put chips on the ground, you'll always have a career."
The guys head over to CNC Blockworks to go through the steps and best practices in prepping and machining an iron LS block to build their boosted engine.
We go inside REM finishing with Shaver Racing's "Dyno" Don MacAskill, then head on over to SoCal Diesel to talk Duramax Diesel performance
Three of the industry's leading experts dive into the tools, tips and techniques they and their customers use to get the ideal finish and engine performance
Lake and Ed site down with Don Miller and dive into speeds, feeds and lube and getting that perfect grind every time. Part 1 of a 2 part can't miss episode.